Thursday, November 19, 2009

Annalise's First Haircut

Annalise has officially had her hair cut. Her bangs were so long they kept poking her eyes, so I trimmed them.

She was very good and sat very still.
The rest of her hair is growing out pretty evenly. I'm impressed. Should she develop a mini-mullet, that will be trimmed as well. I love her little curls, but I have zero qualms about helping her to maintain a non-redneck appearance.

In other news, I have a dentist appointment in 45mins to get a cavity filled. I don't understand what happened to my teeth. I had such wonderful, healthy, beautiful teeth...and then I got pregnant and now they are CRAP.

Oh, and Annalise had a magnificent breakfast this morning, so I shall share our recipe here (it's super easy).

Breakfast Quesadilla

1 flour tortilla (I use whole wheat)
cream cheese
(any fruit you like)

Spread cream cheese on the tortilla, put fruit on top. Toss it in a hot skillet (I used no butter or oil), let it get hot so the cream cheese gets soft, fold in half.

Of course, since Annalise is little, I let it cool and cut it into little pieces. She went crazy on it and ate the whole thing. I'll probably experiment with other fruits.


  1. You are a good mom and that sounds delicious, I believe I will just make them for me and Adam!
