Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve, Day, and Day After

For Christmas eve, we went to a get together given by one of Tren's co-workers. Several of his friends were there, we ate and just hung out. The girl who threw it, Ashley, has a son, Leo, who is a month younger than Annalise. I wish I hadn't forgotten my camera because he was ALL about Annalise. He walked up to her, threw his arms around her neck and planted a huge kiss right on her lips.

She was not amused.

EB avoided him as much as possible until he went to bed. Actually, she was kind of a tease. She'd walk right by him and look, but as soon as he made to befriend her, she'd take off running. Then, she opened a present of his. Tren and I felt bad, but Ashley didn't care. Which is fortunate.

So, Annalise raked in this year. Tren and I got her a ream of art paper, crayons, and some EB-safe markers. She has colored on her face in one of the pictures. I got her some SUPER exciting onesie extenders so she could continue to wear her favorite monkey outfits. I swear, those things are incredible. They were like...5 dollars for 6 or so. They are supposed to prolong to wearability of onesies by 6 mos. We'll see. Hell, if she can wear her monkey onesie for another 2 mos, I'll be satisfied. She also got a new pair of shoes (the Vans I already mentioned).

Bella got her a ladybug scooter and a ladybug raincoat. YAY. So far, she's played with the boxes they came in more than the actual toys. But I'm sure that'll change soon.
It's raining here today and if it weren't so dang cold we'd do a trial run.

We're headed to TN/KY in 10 days, and there is no telling what is waiting for her there.
Today she's been walking around with the library book bag on her head (the chococat bag).

With any luck, she'll be over this cold soon. Poor girl has been walking around with her runny nose and horrid cough. She's so congested that when she nurses, she has to pull away and take some breaths before she continues. And she sounds like a kitty cat purring.

Time for a nap!


  1. EB? What did I miss, I don't get it?...

  2. Annalise can't say "baby" instead, she says "ee-bee", as a result, we call her EB and pretty much use EB in place of baby.

  3. I'm so glad you all had a great Christmas! So did Aiden. She is so cute, what a lil tease, must start early these days. That ladybug scooter is the most adorable thing in the whole world...and now I must go find these onsie extenders you talk about!
