Thursday, December 17, 2009


I believe in Karma.

Based on the Hindu philosophy of Karma, what we sow in this life, we reap in the next.

I must have been a real jerk in my past life, because I think Annalise might be possessed.
She scratches my face, my arms, my neck.
She pinches my bosom.
She hits me.
She kicks me.
She bites me.
She throws things at me.

I have a black eye from where she kicked my face last night as I tried to get her to go to sleep.
My left index finger is swollen and red from where she scratched me and drew blood.

Clearly, I can't beat her (which I have been VERY tempted to do).
What do I do with her? Is she too young for time-outs?
I've just been telling her that it's not nice to hurt her Mommy. That it makes Mommy very sad and incandescently angry.

She's just...mean.

I've been trying to intervene before she gets violent, but the kid is SNEAKY.
I am at a loss.

I wish it were safe, healthy, legal, and PC to dose her with Benadryl or Dimetapp when I've had enough of her abuse. Alas.


  1. She is just a willful toddler...not too early to start "time out"....we started at 1 w/ Hudson-- either hold her in your lap, facing away from you-- thus taking your attn from her and hold her there for a minute after telling her "no!"...or put her in her crib or pack in play for a minute and leave the room...she'll get it pretty quick....that's worked great for Hudson and now he knows timeout....may the force be with you.

  2. I'm sorry you are having a hard time w/ her, but you def. can start doing time outs. Kelly pretty much knows how this game goes and I think you should do what she suggested. Don't let her start hurting you! If she knows that doing it in fact hurts you then she can learn that it is wrong and can't happen.

    I know you will get it all worked out, just remember to take a deep breath and sometimes take a break!

  3. I've read that you can start timeouts at this age, too. They say to time it along with their age. 1 year = 1 minute. Another thing I did was when Lilie went through that scratching/pinching stage, was just a little smack on the hand with a stern "no." Just enough to get the point across.

  4. I recommend everything as above.
