Friday, December 18, 2009

Update about the beast

Annalise has been doing a teensy bit better.
I set up the play-n-play as a holding cell for her. That way I can really enforce the time outs. I even got a little countdown widget thing from Apple so I can be really accurate.

Does this m
ean she's stopped wounding me? Oh, I wish. No...she's still establishing her independence via violence, but at least she's learning that there are consequences.

In good news, she has developed the cutest habit. She carries around lotion and pretends to put some on her hand, rub her hands together, and then put it on her feet or my feet...or Willy's feet...or Hello Kitty's get the picture.
Anyway, today while we were in the shower (she'll stand in the shower and play with her bath crayons and a cup while I wash my hair etc.) I was just scrubbing my hair when I feel her rubbing my right calf. I look down and the child has gotten her baby wash and is washing my leg for me. It was so cute.
She can be really helpful when she wants to. If I'm cleaning up the living room, she'll help by throwing away whatever trash she has created. She knows that
dirty clothes go in the laundry room.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she always does any of this. I'm just trying to explain that she KNOWS how..not that she wants to.

It's snowing outside, Annalise is asleep after 2.5hrs of coaxing on my part. Tren left at like...7:30pm to go hang out with his friends. He was going to spend the night, but I called and told him that I was not comfortable with him driving home at 10am in what the National Weather Station deems "treacherous conditions."
I don't think that is unreasonable.
Oh and I have a cold. Annalise is a bit sniffle-y as well. I loathe being sick. How am I supposed to keep up with a toddler when I can't breathe and I'm all tired and bleh. It's not fair.
Trendon should be sick.
But he never gets sick because he was a sickly baby and now his immune system is impenetrable.

Now I shall retreat to my Morgan Llewelyn book (The Horse Goddess) and my knitting. I can multitask like that. Actually, the other
day I epitomized multitasking. I was knitting, watching the news, singing a song to Annalise, while bouncing her on my feet (you know, me on couch with feet stretched parallel to the ground, Annalise sitting on top of my feet holding on to my pants around the knees, bounce-bounce-bounce).

Don't act like you're not impressed.
Oh yeah, and I ordered Annalise new shoes today. She has officially grown out of all but one pair of shoes. So...Vans for kids MSRP is nearly $30. I got these for $10. How? Well...I'm a pretty incredible shopper, but also

Very good deals.


  1. Ahh, her shoes are wonderful! I'm glad that you have a set time out for her now, I believe it will help. She is a very smart child, you are doing very well. I hope you have fun in your wonderful white land but def. be careful if you all have to get out, snow can be nasty business!! Love you guys

  2. Oh, the time out will sink in-- sweet Hudson went through a biting was pretty good--there was one time he was sitting with mom with those sweet little hands, and mom took his hands and said "what will these little hand do for Jesus?" and Hudson looked possessed and bit the FIRE out of her...priceless....but I do hope he doesn't bite for Jesus...I did notice that I could tell a little pattern when he would start to get agitated and "need" to bite for that release...and pickle your feet and A's w/ Vick's, Baby Vick's for her...and put on your socks...keep Vick's on your feet, it's amazing...
