Monday, December 14, 2009

Warning: proud mama post

Today I discovered that Annalise was sneaking off to do something truly atrocious...
She had been disappearing for short periods of time. I followed her today. She had been committing then unthinkable...

She would drag a pillow to the far side of the couch, plop down, and then READ her books. (In all honesty, she's probably just looking at the pictures and touching the "touch and learn" bits.)

I don't know if I can articulate how incredibly happy this makes me. This child has more than her share of toys, I don't shield her from the TV, and despite all the other things she could be doing, she chooses to read.
Nature or Nurture? I think it's both. She sees me reading everyday. She's not all that into Celtic lore, so doesn't appreciate when I read aloud. Maybe she'll be more interested when she's older.

Right now she's attempting to trace her foot with a crayon on a piece of paper. I showed her how I traced mine, and now she's trying to recreate the experience.

I can't get over how smart she is. I realize that she's probably doing things according to some developmental timeline; it doesn't make it any less incredible to me. To think, a year ago, she was helpless. She just ate, slept, and wiggled. Now, she can communicate her needs to me via sign language, she dances, "sings", can pick out and book and turn the pages, knows how to pick up her toys etc. when she's done and put them in their appropriate places. If you ask her where her hair/tongue/ears/lips/belly/boops/feet/diaper is, she can point to it on her body and then point to the corresponding my corresponding body part. If I ask her where a specific thing is, she can go and find it. She'll sit on her potty and pretend to use the toilet paper in the correct manner.

I won't list them all. I'm just astounded by this child.
She's pretty freaking fantastic.


  1. They are amazing, aren't they? We've always told Hudson he was reading, whether he could sound out a word or that he is verbal, he can look at the book and tell the story--I had reg ed 5th graders that didn't have that comprehension!

  2. You should def. be a proud momma! That is too wonderful! She is going to be a smart cookie just like her mom!

  3. Babies never cease to amaze me. My cousin taught her son sign language, and by his first birthday, he already knew how to communicate 40-50 words either verbally or through sign language. You definitely have reason to be a proud mom!
