Monday, September 13, 2010

I suck at this.

I really don't feel like writing or posting pictures at the moment, so here are some little tidbits I've heard over the past week or so.

"It's like I bought a box of shit at a chocolate festival"-chris

"Oh, and your haircolor is sooo natural? That's the same color Rose Nyland used for YEARS."-kelley

"That goes together like peanut butter and nerve gas."-preacher dave

"He has tour-..uh...not tourism...tourette's! He has tourette's!"-mom

"That soup to TOO HOT. You will burn your tongue and have to go to the hospital burn unit for a WEEK!"- Kelley

"If you can't drink with your kids, who can you drink with?"-anonymous

"Juju is an angry drunk."-Annalise

"Jesus is slippery."-preacher dan

I promise I'll attempt to get crackin' on the posting of pictures and interesting stories.

Here's something awesome: Mom got an iTunes card and now we can rock out to everything Glee.

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