Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

So, today was very productive.

I made French toast and bacon this morning. Trendon was very happy to be able to gorge on bacon. It's a VERY rare treat in our house. No one needs that much cholesterol.

No one.

Annalise went crazy on her french toast. She loves to dip things, so I gave her a teaspoon of syrup. She even makes a little "deh-deh-deh" (imitation of "dip-dip-dip") sound. She's so incredible!

Also, Annalise got a very special item today.
[insert drumroll here]
Her own potty!
They were a whopping $1.99 at IKEA, so I figured, what the heck..I might as well.

She's already sitting on it while I go potty and she'll put little pieces of toilet paper in it. I don't know how to go about potty training, I'll find a book at Border's tomorrow. I feel like she might be ready to start learning. Whenever she soils her diaper, she'll come to me and do the sign for diaper. Regardless...
IKEA was a Swedish wonderland today. We had a gift card for $42 from when we returned some items a while ago. We got...
a step stool for Annalise (so she can climb up on the couch)
a GIANT coffee cup for me
a tea diffuser
potty for Annalise
wineglasses (1.99 for a 6-pack. Wow!)
new fleece blanket for Annalise (she really raked in)
a storage box that fits in the bottom of our bookshelf
messenger bag for Tren

And we had lunch there. Swedish meatball plate (meatballs, mashed potatoes, etc) for $1.
We were astounded. PLUS you get free baby food when you buy an adult entree.
I swear...I love IKEA. If the world ends in the Fallout 3 type situation, Trendon and I will be commandeering the IKEA in College Park, MD.

We got home and I had received my holiday cards. I'll be writing and sending those out this weekend.
(Shannan, that's why you have no received a thank-you card, I figured a holiday card would kill 2 birds).
Annalise fed herself dinner and then walked around tearing up the inserts from the Washington Post. She kept sniffing the perfume samples. It was so cute and smart.
Now we're watching The Craft via Netflix streaming and Annalise is freaking out (I don't blame her, it's very late and she's ready for bed).

1 comment:

  1. Well, that sounds like you all got some amazing deals and yeah IKEA is pretty much the most amazing thing. I'm glad you all had a good time. She is such a smart lil girl. I hope that potty training goes well!
