Wednesday, December 30, 2009



Today we went to IKEA for lunch. Why? Ah..who knows?
Maybe because it's cheap and delicious. I don't want to buy groceries because we'll be headed out on the 5th and I don't want to have food go to waste.
Annalise had WAY too much fun playing in the children's section. I had to be "that" mom and intervene when a stupid 8 year old girl nearly knocked Annalise over in her rush to get to a specific toy. I actually asked her to back off and be "conscientious" of the ONE YEAR OLD who was there first.
Her parents were no where to be found, which is probably good because the girl was very snotty and her parents were probably of a similar disposition.

ANYWAY...I finished (sort of) Annalise's dress today. [see above picture]
I think I need to add something to it. Maybe I'll knit a flower and affix it. I'm in the process of creating another dress for her, but it's been sewn, not knit. I've got everything measured, cut, and pinned, I just need to fire up the sewing machine and get cracking.
I'm quite crafty, as you can see. I wish I knew how and possessed the implements necessary to weave.

Annalise is still battling her cold. She's mostly better, just that dang cough. I have one, too. We've been taking nightly hot baths with eucalyptus oil, which has helped her congestion a ton. She refuses to come anywhere near BabyVicks, won't even use the Puffs with Vicks Klennex (Amanda, do you remember when we were sick at the same time and we got those Puffs with Vicks and made an enormous pile of them crumpled up? Yuck. haha)
On the up side, if I tell her to wipe her nose, she does (hence the photo).

I guess that's about all.
We just watched 500 Days of Summer (thanks Netflix). We're big Zooey Deschanel fans around here.


  1. Lois Anne LOVES Annalise's dress...hint, hint....

  2. I totally remember the puffs w/ vicks, we were so funny sickly together. everyone here has had the cold, sick business. I cannot wait to see you guys!

  3. OMG, Vicks Puffs made me want to die! It was like getting a menthol patch stuck to the inside of my nasal cavity!

    And that dress is adorable beyond words.
