Sunday, January 3, 2010

Arctic Origin Air

We are freezing to death around here. Thank GAWD we'll be heading to Tren's dad's house on Tuesday.  There is absolutely no way it's this cold in TN.                                                                          
Annalise has developed a few new skills lately. A week and a half ago she mastered using a straw. She's started putting on her clothes (and taking them off). She can run with some skill and is able to jump. Her dancing repertoire has expanded to include stomping a foot and doing a very "Night at the Roxbury" sideways head bob.
She can now say:
Book (buh-k), Belly (beh-ree), read (ree), mom, dad, bite (sounds like buy), dip (dih), hot (hah), and several more that I can't think of off the top of my head.

I'll be sure to take and then post pictures of her new clothes that I've made. I need to order some clothing labels soon and I'll start a clothing line for Annalise called "EB Couture" or somesuch. She's a lucky duck.

And I'd like to make a shout-out to my mother.
Thank you for getting Annalise a coat that she loves to wear. I saw a toddler refusing to put on his coat and all I could think was "Thank goodness Annalise loves her coat from Bella" (in all honesty, I didn't think "bella" I thought "mom". But yeah... you get it). Also, thank you for giving me your collection of coats, scarves, hats, and gloves because it is BITTER freaking cold here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Baby-girls! I miss you! I love the dress you made! So cute!
