Monday, December 21, 2009

Paranoid much?

Call me paranoid, but I like the signs.

You can attach them to your child's carseat carrier thing. I'm not particularly worried about H1N1, but that's because Annalise doesn't mingle with the general populace too often AND Trendon, who does, has been vaccinated.

On, there's an article bashing these sings (of course, it was the Childless Bitch contributer who wrote it). Normally, I really like her writing. But I don't agree with her hating on these little sings.

I HATE when people I don't know touch Annalise. It freaks me out and as soon as they have wandered away, I bust out my antibacterial wipes and clean off her hands. I'm definitely not a germaphobe. I'm not worried about her eating dirt or neglecting the 5 second rule when she tosses a crunchy on the floor (at home). In fact, I think it's healthy for her to be exposed to some germs. I don't want her to end up a sickly child.

there are some things she does NOT need to touch, things that I avoid if at all possible:
ANYTHING on the Metro
the railings on escalators
most anything in a public restroom

I don't think that's unreasonable. Or maybe it is. I don't care.

I won't be getting one of these signs (which, incidentally, you can buy for like 8 dollars at
Instead, I will rely on my longstanding aura of "don't come near me" to protect Annalise from people's gross, though well-intentioned, dirty hands.


  1. I agree, even though Hudson is vaccinated, I don't want people I don't know touching him! Eek!

  2. I'm the same way...I don't need a sign, but any stranger could have over 1000's of other things that they can pass along, putting there hands all over our babies! I'm not going to shut up in the house and never take him out, but I don't want to take him out and have everyone touching him. We put the "force field" up when too many people are near. Hehe...and I do like the sign, and yes I might get one. I think everyone that has a baby at first should be given one of these signs at the hospital!
