Saturday, December 19, 2009

Annalise played in the snow

I'll have to take even more pictures in the morning, because it has snowed another 6 inches since these pictures were taken.

Trendon talked me into letting Annalise play in the snow for a little while. I only let her stay out for 15-20 mins. She had a ball.
I've never seen her have so much fun.
I, of course, was paranoid and terrified that she would become chilled. I can now say that I was clearly being ridiculous. The child was wearing a onesie, thermal pants with feet, 2 pairs of socks, a fleece bunting outfit (which had mittens), waterproof shoes, a coat and a hat. She was fine.

Trendon had a lot of fun as well. He insisted on running and jumping into the snow drifts (which were very high). It was a good experience for all involved.


  1. Looks like a magical time!! It's cold enough here it feels like to look like that.

  2. OMG, those pics are wonderful. You were just being a good mom, and i'm really glad she got to play in the snow, and you got to take those magical pics!
