Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snowy Weekend

We got a ton of snow. Not as much as last time, thank goodness, but enough to make driving difficult and grocery shopping impossible.
Annalise has been having fun inside, though. She's discovered her new favorite book, which is actually a small photo album filled with pictures of her. She'll look at it for a long time.

She's so funny.

Anyway, not too much happening around here. Trendon is finally done with his flag detail. He's making sushi tonight, which means he'll probably be headed to H-mart (the Korean-owned Asian grocery superstore) for a few supplies. I hope he can find eel sauce. If not, no worries.
What DID happen yesterday was that I called the commissary to make sure they were open despite the snow. The woman who answered told me "yes, normal hours". So, I pack up Annalise in some warm clothes (Mom, that Russian fur hat you bequeath to me, she's been wearing it, I'll try to get a picture) and Trendon got all ready to go to flag detail afterwards. We get to the store and prepare to complete my very detailed and specific list when this random worker comes up and says "You know we close in 30 mins, right?" Well NO I didn't know that. I called to avoid a situation like that. I was quite perturbed. That didn't change the fact that we needed milk and a few other things. We're racing all over the store trying to get what we need before they throw us out, and OF COURSE at every aisle, there's a worker telling us they close in X minutes. By the way, we were far from the only people in there.
I got what we really needed and we got out of there. But still, you'd think that woman would have told me on the phone. The weather did not change between the phone call and our arrival.
Probably what bothered me the most was the guy on the loudspeaker telling the store's customers that they would be closing due to inclement weather...he pronounced it "in-climate weather" AHHHH

I nearly forgot to mention, I was doing some research and I found this picture of Lucy Lawless AKA Xena Warrior Princess. Annalise and I love that show. I wasn't doing research about her, I was researching societal views on breastfeeding.
Anyway, I, personally, love Lucy Lawless. She's rocking cool. She's in the new show Spartacus: Blood and Sand, which would be an excellent show were it not so nearly pornographic. I realize that the Romans really did wear very sheer clothing that one could see through. And I am all for historical accuracy. But GOOD GRIEF.


  1. I love EB's pjs w/ the lady bugs, very cute. At the commissary you should have been like, btw you need to inform the woman answering your phones that you are NOT having normal hours, because that is what she keeps telling everyone. I would have took my sweet precious time! I'm glad you all got the basics even though you were rushed.

    Lucy Lawless looks amazing in that pic...she is super cool! I'm so excited that she is a huge bf advocate, we need more stars that will put out like a campaign of posters like this. Its the new "Got Milk" for babies!

  2. Darling pics of A--- Hudson loved his pictures too--- and this year, I cut up all of our Christmas cards and put them in an album so he could look at his friends and family too....also, the best idea ever and I totally credit JoJo, sign up for toy catalogs online-- they kept me quiet for hours and do the same for Hudson-- I won't nessacarily order anything for H, mom never did for me, but they work beautifully!
