Tuesday, February 2, 2010

La Famille

It snowed the other day. It's snowing again.
I was told by some locals that they don't get that much snow here in the winter. So this is either a fluke, or they were being jerks and lying to me.

Mom UPSed some things to me and in true UPS fashion, they used a box that was much too big for the contents. It worked out, though. I broke out a box cutter and created a castle for Annalise. She has had much fun with it.
I wish I could get it on camera, but she's been walking around "talking" on her phone. She will babble and laugh while holding the phone to her head. It's cute, a little strange, but cute.

She also has taken to carrying around a soda bottle (or water bottle or Honest T glass bottles YIKES) and pretending to drink from it. Sunday, she got the Cherry Coke Zero that I had bought while at WRAMC and toted it around. Then, she went into my bathroom and got the top to my shaving cream. She played with these two items for nearly 45 mins. I wish I could read her little mind because I failed to see the appeal.

1 comment:

  1. I really like her box castle. I would love to know what is going through Aiden's mind, just the way he looks at stuff, its amazing! I believe that they do get a lot of snow there, I mean i'm not sure but it would seem like they do. I use to always want it to snow, and we had a really great snow the other night where the roads were good and clear, and it was weekend so it was fun, but afterwards its sooo muddy and ugly. I'm not sure if I really like snow as much, but I do have some amazing snow cream now!
