Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have Valentine's cards for Judy and Grandpa. You guys WILL get them. They're just going to be late (obviously). Due to snowmaggedon, I haven't been able to get to the mailboxes on the other side of the parking lot until yesterday. And you know what sucks? I ventured out to check the mail, braving the slick ice and the snow drifts that had turned to ice, just so I could see what the mailman brought us. I got nearly to the boxes, slipped, fell and busted my butt and the mailbox was EMPTY. Blast.

Not too much happening around the Ellis compound. Oh, except for my freaking awesome tattoo that is.
I got round one finished last night from Shaun at Tattoo Paradise.
Before I get any questions about the expense, let me just say that I have been saving for this giant tattoo for a long time. All the money that would have been spent on anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, christmas, all of it. I saved my portion for this. So, yeah, it was lame having nothing to open for Christmas, but completely worth it now that I've taken the leap and gotten the ink.

I'm going to let the outline heal before I get the color done. It was a very intense 2.5 hours. Down on my ribs on the left and right was the worst part. Whew.

Anyway, Annalise is taking a nap. Trendon says she was an absolute beast last night while I was gone. In her defense, she did have to go for a well-baby check up and a shot yesterday.
I'm sure she just wanted to go home and be with her mom. Instead, her mom hops out of the car and she's taken home by her dad. Poor girly.
So anyway, I am very pleased with how my tattoo turned out. I am also very pleased with the 15.8lbs I have lost since Jan 16th.
Strict diet + cardio everyday + the meds I needed to be taking= weight loss.

I guess that's all.
I'll take this remaining free time and get some reading done.


  1. Yay, yay and yay for you--minus the butt busting--although I hate I missed know I mean that lovingly-- and would you expect you to laugh at me...

  2. I'm very sorry that you fell and busted your butt. Your tattoo is pure magic!!! Cannot wait until you do have the color done. I'm proud of the weight you lost. I lost 3.5lbs in the last two days from throwing up, not eating, and being terribly sick..not the idea way, but everyone i work with has had this awful bug. Anyway, hope you are haiving a good day.

  3. Once again, just beautiful. I can't wait to see the color! I wish you a speedy recovery, both for your back and your bum ;)
