Sunday, February 7, 2010


It's all over the news, so there is really no point in talking about how much snow we got. HOWEVER, the news says we got like..20 inches, well Trendon who actually shoveled the snow surrounding our car says it's closer to 30 inches.

It came up above the wheel wells on the car. Literally, had I not been the one to park my car, I wouldn't have known which one it was. (It snowed several more inches after this picture was taken).

Annalise has been having TONS of fun. She's taken to putting on my shoes and walking around. So cute.

I made some chili Saturday, so we just stayed inside and watched the snowfall. We haven't done much today. Wait, that's actually a lie. We've cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. And then Trendon went to go get gas and stopped by H-Mart for some nori. Apparently, the roads have yet to be plowed and are very very dangerously slick.
Annalise has learned how to spin in circles, so I have to keep a close eye on her because she'll spin until she just falls out. Not the greatest thing to do on very cold hard wood floors.

We did not watch the Superbowl. I didn't even know it was today until Trendon said the people outside were talking about it. Instead, we have been watching The Sound of Music and have been looking forward to The Legend of the Seeker at 11pm. YAAAY.
AND I downloaded Kindle for my iPhone. YAAAY books.


  1. Those are really some great pics of Annalise. I'm glad you got kindle for the iphone, that is book heaven for you!

  2. I've been worrying about you guys all weekend! I really hope you guys don't lose power. That was not fun during/after the ice storm last year!

    Annalise is gorgeous as always. Just don't lose her in the snow! ;)
