Monday, March 15, 2010

Must be that giant Vines head...

Clearly, I am biased towards thinking my daughter is especially smart and clever. That's what moms do. But really, all the children in the Vines clan are incredibly bright. Ethan, my nephew, is very very smart. Some of the specifics regarding his breadth of knowledge kind of freak me out, but then, I am not a hunter. His dad is a hunter kind of guy, hence Ethan's interest in killing things. That doesn't detract from his intelligence, though!
Hudson, my other nephew, is super smart. He can explain things to you very well and he's already starting to read (at 3).  I think it must be genetic.
Annalise is learning to count. I ask her how old she is, she says "one". I ask how many cookies she wants, she says "three." How many shoes are there on the floor? "Two."
She can only do one, two, and three. But she is only 17 mos I'm not complaining.

I really need to get some video of her. She will tell you what sounds are made by a horse, dog, cow, sheep, chicken, dog, cat, duck, pig, frog, goat, and bear.
She can say (and be understood by more than just me) hot, hurt, drink, tea, that, book, duck, dog, milk, hair, ear, belly, belly button, butt, dirty, daddy, mama, bag, big, blanket, bath, bed, diaper (dipe), bite (as in "get a bite")....and I am drawing a blank about the others.
Oh, and yet ANOTHER thanks to Bella. The raincoat has been getting a lot of use lately. It's rained everyday for nearly a week. Annalise loves to wear to coat out into the rain.
(All the hats below are Trendon's that Annalise finds and decides to wear around the house).


  1. Too Cute! I would be even more crazy if I did not have this blog and Kelley's to stare at all day and pretend like I am there! EB is looking even more like you in these pictures. I love and miss you bunches, mom

  2. With you as her mom, I'm not really surprised she's smart. Can't wait to see what EB grows up to do and be.
