Monday, March 8, 2010


We went to the park this morning. Fun was had by all. Trendon climbed and slid and did all the Dad-on-playground things.
Annalise had a ball, of course. What I didn't expect was her delight over the mulch. She would still be frolicking in the mulch had I let her stay behind.
She's taking a nap right now (thank the gods) and Trendon looks like he'll be passing out any time now.
You may be wondering, "Why is he home on a Monday?"
Well...hmm...he's sick? I don't know. His throat looks pretty gross and his foot is gimp and his belly hurts.

I would just like to mention that Annalise is, in fact, completely fantastic.
Last night she woke me up to tell me that "daddy is stinky." I think maybe she had a dream about this because she went right back to sleep after I told her that daddy is just fine asleep, he doesn't need a diaper change.
She tells me something is stinky by waving her hand in front of her nose and saying "Whew-we!"
So basically, she woke me up saying "Dah-ee? Whew-we!"
It's cute.

And now, pictures...

The final picture is of Annalise with her "haul" from the playground. She picked up two sticks to be her "wand" and "scepter".
One of my favorite memories from when I was little is of walking on Green Mountain with Mom and Colby. Colby and I would pick up a stick and pretend it was a wand or whatever and carry it along the path. Sometimes Mom would let us take it home, more often, we had to leave it at the end of the path for "next time."


  1. Is is tragic that I am almost 23 and I did the wand thingthis weekend?

    Annalise and Tren look cute, and I love Tomas and his love for extreme sports.

  2. They are cute together. I enjoyed more of the Tomas photos :)

  3. Yes, Tomas must continue to travel w/ you all from now on. I love that pic of her at the top of the slide, its way too cute, and we did this exact thing to day and took many similar "ish" photos. And just maybe some time i will in fact put them on the interwebs!
    Miss your face!

  4. You have made me cry again! Yes, with tears of joy and with how much I miss you! I love you, mom
