Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yesterday and Then Today

Wednesday was fairly productive. We went to the playground (which I think will become a daily thing, weather permitting). We took Tomas and had a mini-photoshoot. I made a couple loaves of Banana Bread (my own low-fat, reduced calorie recipe) and Annalise attempted to gorge herself on the aforementioned bread. Trendon made pizza for dinner and it was delicious. It would have only been improved by the presence of mushrooms on my pizza, alas, they were all gone.

Today was the first day since last Friday that Trendon stayed at work all day.  What job in the world, besides the US Army, can a man not work for a week and not suffer financial repercussions? Anyway, it was nice to be "just the girls" again. It'll be all day, in fact, because he has lodge tonight (meaning the Masons).
Annalise and I went on an excellent walk today. We found some beautiful violets already blooming and also a spoon. She was dead set on taking the spoon home, so I picked it up with a tissue I had and placed it in the stroller's carrier pouch. I know it seems extreme, but this IS Washington D.C. and I don't know if some junkie was using that spoon to melt his/her drugs into a liquid to be injected intravenously.
Better safe than sorry!

After our walk, we went to the playground and ran into several interesting people. I met two very nice military wives and their children. Annalise had a delightful time playing in the mulch and dirt (she also did the whole swings-slides-jungle gym bit). As soon as we got home, I dumped her in a bubble bath. I have NEVER seen so much dirt on such a tiny person.

Oh, and Happy 17 Months to Annalise, today.


  1. Thanks for reading my blog! Your daughter is so pretty!

  2. You guys look totally magical in that group pic, I love the glasses...and Annalise's cupcake shirt is wonderful, now I want one in my size. Anyways, i'm glad you all are haivng a good time at the park, we will be walking every day the weather is permitted here! I'm so happy it is spring! Now if we were just together life would be complete!

  3. Thanks Brittany! You have a beautiful family keep up the good work! I love and miss you much, mom

  4. Gah, those family photos are too effing adorable. I almost clicked save so I could look at them anytime and wallow in the adorableness.
