Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Eve and Easter

Annalise got some of the loot from her Easter basket early. I went ahead and let her have the sidewalk chalk. She had a ton of fun coloring on the balcony...especially when she discovered that she could draw on my FACE. EB started the face-coloring battle, but I ended it.

Easter Morning...
When we got up on Sunday, I had completely forgotten it was Easter. I made myself a cup of coffee and when I opened the fridge to get some creamer I was astounded to see a giant ham in there. That's when it hit me: Easter dinner. Crap.
It was really no big deal. I cooked and it was delicious.
We didn't have any real plans so we just had pancakes for breakfast and then went to a local park.
Came home, EB napped, I knitted and then cooked, and that was our day.

And here's a photo of my knitted produce. A carrot, corn, and an egg. More to come!


  1. I ADORE the produce and the first pic of A on the park bench? Her little hands on her legs? So stinking precious!!!!!!

  2. Ahhhhh that pictures of EB on the lion (thing?) with sunglasses and little black and white shirt, so frickin' adorableeeeee. Damn, Brittnow, you make cuuute kids.

    Sidebar: My phone's been weird lately, so try to get through via text but I might try and text you from my iPod instead -- it'll be a weird longer number but I'll let you know it's me. <3
