Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mittens in June

Eb has decided that mittens are a very important accessory. Pants are optional, but mittens are a must. They come second only to her rainboots and Hello Kitty underoos.

Annalise and I spend a lot of time at home. (What else would we do?) And as a result, she's really gotten into imaginary play. She takes such good care of her "babies". She found the baby carrier and since it's a trillion times too big for her to play with, I used one of my extra-long cotton scarves to fashion a Moby Wrap for her.

She carried Bobo in her "moby wrap" for nearly an hour. Basically until she had to get in her high chair for lunch.
*She just saw this picture on the computer and FLIPPED out saying "Eb?!?! Bobo?!?!"*

Yesterday, EB and I went to Cracker Barrel with some friends for lunch. (I had a gift card. So, thanks again, Helpful McGee).
Annalise wore a very girly WHITE dress and didn't get a single spot on it! Woo-hoo! I wish I had gotten pictures of her sneaking biscuits off the plate. If anyone wants to buy Annalise a $75 gift (yeah, right) please get a rocking chair from Cracker Barrel. So cute.

And eb got her first honest-to-goodness butt spanking today.
 I am in mortal combat with a hoard of ants that are HELL BENT on ruining my life. I don't know where they are coming from or why. I've been so good about immediately cleaning any and all messes. I use Raid on all my doors in the vain attempt to keep them at bay, and yet, they return. had a cup of her popcorn (Thanks, Juju!) and was just munching away, walking around in her rainboots and I hear "CRUNCH hahahahhhaha!' I turn and she's dumped the popcorn right beside the front door (main entry point for pests) and is stomping them to smithereens with her damn rainboots!
I popped her little butt and then made her use the Dust Buster (which she is apprehensive about) to clean up her mess.
I don't know what to do about these evil ants. I made eb cupcakes last night, then stored the cupcakes inside a sealed 13x9 inch pyrex dish. This morning, there were 17 ants inside. I know because I counted their corpses as I killed them.
I'm tired of all the food I have to throw away. WHAT DO I DO?

1 comment:

  1. EB + white dress = adorable.

    If your ant problem persists despote Raid and proper food storing techniques, may need to call/berate landlord?
