Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's snowing!

It's snowing pretty hard right now. With any luck, it will stick and make for some good pictures. WHY didn't I get Annalise some waterproof boots when I had the chance?!?! There are some at Old Navy for 12.50. I should have gotten them, but I'm such a freaking penny pincher that I thought "Nah, I could use that 12.50 on something more likely to be used." AHHHH I make myself so angry.


  1. Everyone needs waterproof boots, that is something that can be used, even if for cuteness! Hehe, i'm the same way though, skip out on something and then realize I reallly needed it after all! Oh I hope it does stick and you have magical snow pics, I'm so envious, I would love to be around some snow!

  2. Maybe they are still online now for even cheaper....and you will have them for next time...believe it or not, we woke up to snow in the trees, on the cars and the mailbox, but none on the ground...
