Friday, December 4, 2009

What the CRAP?!?!?!?!?

Girl Shot While Out Hunting with Dad! |

Why is a 10 year old out hunting? A 10 year old shouldn't be allowed to handle a rifle.
True, when I was little...I think I was about 9-ish, my mother took me and Colby to the shooting range and let us fire her service pistol. The reason she did that is because kids are naturally curious and she'd rather us know what it's like to fire that pistol with her helping us hold it safely at the FIRING RANGE than taking it outside and accidentally shooting our friends.
I pulled the trigger once and I haven't touched a gun since. I loathe them. Always have, always will.

I did have a BB gun when I was younger. I'm pretty sure my stepdad used it more often than I did. I recall him shooting a baby timber rattler with it. I was inside helping mom make spaghetti.

That's beside the point...
Why would a 10 year old need to hunt? Why are parents encouraging children that killing is a valid pastime?
Oh, I know the old cliche "guns don't kill people, people kill people" be frank...that's bullshit.
Guns are instruments of death and destruction. The end. That is their purpose. To kill..or at the very least, maim.
Besides, if that cliche is true then...
Knives don't cut things, people cut things
Water doesn't drown people, people drown people
Cars don't run over people, people run over people

You see my point? If you don't...ALAS..I don't care.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you. I PRAY that Hudson will never want to go hunting...I mean I can't tell my father what to do, but I see no fun or sport in "controlling the population of deer" by hunting..if there is that many of them, let the wildlife people deal with it...not any of the yahoos who can get a hunting license, b/c any yahoo can....
