Sunday, December 6, 2009

Legend of the Seeker tonight Woo-hoo

Yes...Annalise is nursing her Hello Kitty doll.
She nurses Hello Kitty and Willy the weasel. Occasionally, she'll hold them to my chest, which is strange; I think it's pretty cute when she's the one "nursing" them.

Anyway, Annalise spent her day nursing her "babies" and reading the Washington Post. Trendon cleaned the kitchen (thanks!) while she and I took a bath. Generally, I'll take a shower and she'll stand in the tub and play with her toys while I wash my hair. Then, when I'm done, I'll rinse out the tub and run and shallow bubble bath for to her play in while I dry off, comb my hair, etc. It's a good system for us.

I made some INCREDIBLE chicken and dumplings for dinner. It was Lise's first experience with them and she ate ton. I'm always astounded by how much she eats. I just let her eat until she's full (provided the food is healthy). Can toddlers overeat? It's not like she's chowing down on fried foods and chocolate; she eats fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I'm rambling.
Time for annalizard to get to bed, Tren's preparing for the workweek ahead, and I've got a Morgan Llywellyn book to read.


  1. If the food is healthy, let her eat. But even on healthy food toddlers can gorge themselves, but you would know the signs of if she continued to eat and was acting like her stomach was full or nauseated acting. But until that point let her eat! Adorable pics!! I've never made chicken and dumplins, but at the same time I never really liked them until this last year! You might have to make them for me when we see one another!

  2. Hudson has just been able to tell me in the last few weeks when he's eaten too much...and you do know that A needs some fried foods? My pediatrician told me to let Hudson eat all the french fries he wanted until he was 2 b/c they need the saturated fats for brain development...
    got your card, LOVE it! You are so on top of things!
