Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Toddler Temper Tantrums

Annalise knows how to throw a royal fit.
She has learned the power of crying like she is just in AGONY.
Naps are hell.
Once she falls asleep, it's ok. She'll stay asleep for a couple of hours.

She's like a sour patch kid. First she's sour, then she's sweet. Actually, she's never been so loving. I'm sure she's just having issues with learning so many new things and growing and teething, so she needs Mommy time to "find her center."

She's been drinking a lot of water with lemon. Trying to stay hydrated. You know...since she runs more than most marathon runners. Not that she sweats, but she drools a lot.

Trendon made pizza for dinner. He's very particular about his pizza crust. We WERE going to have salmon, but I was not about to do battle at the Korean market.

And now, it's bed time. We have playgroup in the morning. We're going to attempt to attend La Leche League on Thursday. We shall see.

I almost forgot...
I have a confession to make. Forgive me if this TMI, but I have to preface my ghastly behavior with my reason for it. I am currently experiencing what most women of childbearing years undergo once a month. It usually coincides with the phases of the moon.
Vous comprenez? Anyway, I needed some really unhealthy, sodium-filled french fries to assuage my agony.
Annalise hadn't had lunch. I let her eat several french fries.
She was in heaven and I feel like a tool.


  1. What is it with guys and their pizza crust, I have pic of Adam doing his pizza crust a couple weeks ago! Fries once in a blue moon will not hurt Annalise, I promise, don't feel like a tool!! Sorry that its hard to get her asleep! And sorry she has mastered the tantrum, all children must do it at some point! Hehe

  2. No need to feel like a tool: again, the pediatrician said all the fries H could eat until 2--she needs the saturated fat!
