Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Subpar technology

I am having trouble typing on this computer, it's Tren's dad's, and it's not a Mac.
We will be here in KY until the 16th, so my blogging will be sketchy at best.
But, I will tell you how much our trip here SUCKED.

6:30am We all get up and prepare for our flight, Tren calls and confirms the taxi arrival at 8am.
7am I am relaxing with my book and a cup of coffee. TRYING to wake up enough to apply makeup
7:30am Tren calls to confirm again, all while asking why I am not ready yet
7:45am I am ready to go, Annalise is ready, Trendon is pacing
8am No taxi
8:05 Still no taxi, Trendon calls, they have no record of our appointment, dispatch "sends for" another cab
8:10 Trendon is pacing and cursing
8:15 calls again
8:25 calls again
8:30 calls again, taxi is "5 mins away"
8:35 calls again
8:40 calls again, taxi is "literally 2 mins away"
8:45am Taxi arrives, driver does not speak english, but follows my direction to the nearest Metro station
8:55am We get to Metro station, cab driver parks 1/8 mile away, we lug 2 suitcases, a carry-on, a carseat, and Annalise in a sling to Metro station
9am We get on RedLine train to Fort Totten
9:25am We get to Fort Totten and run to meet YellowLine train, miss train.
9:35am Get on YellowLine train and begin ride to Reagan Airport
(Annalise fortunately fell asleep on the waiting for the RedLine train)
10:15am Get to airport and begin running to check our bags
10:25 check in and hand bags to airport personnel, hear that our flight is boarding
10:30 get to screening area, I am behind a woman who does not speak english and I try to translate for the disgruntled TSA workers (I feel bad for them since my mamacita once worked for TSA)
10:35 get throught the screening and start running towards our gate (gate 33A, we were at Gate 1)
10:45 board plane, we are the second to last onboard, and the only ones panting and sweating.
11am..plane takes off
Our flight was due to land at 12pm CST, but since there was no headwind, we got there 40mins early. We landed at 11:25am CST.
11:30am Trendon runs for the nearest bathroom to go pee pee.
11:35 Annalise and I begin our search for him
11:45 search continues, I become frantic and pissed off because I have a 14.5month old, no money, no phone, no ID, NOTHING.
11:55am I ask a man to see if Tren is still in the bathroom
12pm Annalise and I head to baggage claim and hope we find him
12:05 I find Trendon on the way to baggage claim, upon seeing his face and knowing that he ABANDONED us in the airport I become livid and consider stabbing him with a knitting needle, I don't do it.
12:10 waiting on bags to come through
12:20 waiting on bags...
12:35 Tren goes to the baggage people and discover that our bags did not make it on our flight and if we wanted to wait until 4pm, they "should" be on that flight. So, we borrow a carseat and head home.
12:40 I step outside and immediately remember that my freaking coat is in Tren's luggage.

But now we're here. We got our bags late late last night. Everything is ok. Annalise is having a ball with their two dogs (an Aeredale and a minature schnauzer). With any luck, I'll figure out if I can upload pictures, if not, then I'll do it when we get back to DC.

All I want to know now is....

Has everyone down here always sounded so damn country, or have I become Yankee-fied?


  1. You are killing me--- I am amazed that they let you take your knitting needle-- there was an article on CNN where the TSA confiscated a toddlers play doh-- which is not on the prohibited list...and it was his Christmas present....

  2. You cracked me up in this post! I'm glad you guys made your flight in true "Home Alone" style.

    And I'll let you know about the accent when I *hopefully* see you! Let me know when you guys are planning on coming to my neck of the woods!

  3. Everyone has in fact always been that country sounding...sorry to say. I'm glad after all that rucus you all made it. Is your phone still anti texting me...because I would love to chat w/ you!

  4. You were born YANKEE-FIED! I have no idea how I have such a well spoken and intelligent young lady for a daughter. And she can knit and cook....
