Friday, March 5, 2010


I'd say I have a decent sense of humor, and I think most people who know me would agree.
I know how to laugh.
But I am SICK of seeing feminists in movies portrayed as the ugly girl with glasses who doesn't like to have fun and doesn't do anything but read The Feminine Mystique and organize protests.
All the feminists I know, know how to have a good time. They can party like rockstars just like the rest of the free world.
ALSO, I am tired of the so-called feminist literature that is anti-SAHM. I thought the whole purpose of the 2nd and 3rd wave feminist movements was to give women the right to choose--to choose whether they want to join the workforce or stay at home with the children (which is still very much WORK).
I just read a blog/article from Bust that just really pissed me off. The writer basically bemoans how she loathes when women "martyr" themselves for their children and only want to talk about their kids and what they are doing. She just hates how SAHMs have nothing to talk about except their kids.
Well....Trendon talks about what happened at work when he comes home and then we talk about what happens at home when we're here. So, if I talk about what happened at work that day, I'm talking about Annalise, and if I talk about what happened at home that day, I'm talking about Annalise.
Does this make sense, or am I incoherent? I don't think that SAHMs intentionally run on and on about their kids, it's just that our work and our home lives are one and the same.

Enough of that, on to "funner" things.
Annalise's battle with the cold continues. She's been knocking back cups of warm tea and honey like there is no tomorrow. As a result, she is very well-hydrated and her voice isn't nearly as scratchy.
On the down side, she much prefers my expensive loose-leaf white tea blend. I suppose it's a small price to pay. It'll be nice to have tea parties with her when she is older and be able to drink ACTUAL tea instead of white grape juice.

Yesterday, I decided to take Annalise to the playground so she could get some fresh air and maybe get some of that congestion moving. It works on all counts. She had an absolute blast. Unfortunately, it was muddy, so she didn't get to run about as much as she wants.

Let's see if I am forgetting anything....

Annalise can now feed herself with a spoon or fork and not spill much.
Don't think I am a bad person for using a paper plate, please. She was eating pancakes with a tbsp of honey. Ceramic plates break, her plastic plates will bounce if dropped therefore spreading the mess, paper plates just  plop if cast to the floor.

Yes, I put her in one of my old t-shirts when she eats. Smocks are the way to go when letting a toddler feed herself.

Don't be offended by the nearly nude EB. Nothing scandalous is showing. I'm a better mother than that.


  1. My niece is so stinkin' cute!!!!!

  2. Hey, the tea thing? Totally does work, huh? I found an herbal children's tea especially for when they have colds. I, too, mix it with honey for Lilie. Isn't nice to get them liking the warm tea while they are young?

  3. Pics are adorable, and yeah I agree w/ you on the feminisim thing, that's what we fight for our rights, and that is to stay at home too!!
    And using a paper plate is just smart, no matter what anyone says about that!!
    Those pics are way to cute!
    Miss you guys!!
