Friday, June 18, 2010

O is for "Offensive"

First off, I am NOT an atheist. Apparently, some people think I am, but I am not. I just don't particularly care for religious institutions. I've never felt comfortable with them and I feel like I have to pretend to be something I'm not.
That said, I loathe these southern jesus freaks who think it is OK to come up and talk to me about how Jesus would forgive my tattoos if I just asked him. HELLO? Since when are tattoos considered sin? (and don't quote the Old Testament to me unless you also believe that women shouldn't cut/dye their hair, pierce their ears, eating shellfish is wrong, and if a male masturbates he's committing an abomination.)
Last night, I was just minding my business in Wal-Mart. I asked Annalise if she preferred Romaine or Mixed Greens when this...guy...comes up and starts talking about how beautiful EB is. Well, that's no big surprise. She IS gorgeous and I don't blame people for being unable to resist her. But then he starts talking about he just wants to take her home. BTW, he looked about like this...

 Then, as I was about to extricate myself from this increasing awkward situation he goes, "I have just one more thing to say, pretty girl...Jesus LOVES you. He DOES. It's TRUE. " This in and of itself was wildly inappropriate and offensive to me. Can you even IMAGINE going up to an absolute stranger in the produce section and saying, "The Goddess Rhiannon LOVES you. She DOES. It's TRUE!" No, of course you can't. But because it was JESUS it's somehow ok to do this.
 He then said "Oh, see. She likes that name. She likes hearing about Jesus." To which I replied, "We have awesome Mexican neighbors. One of their cousins is named Jesus. She really likes playing with him. So...that's probably why."
He then proceeds to tell Annalise that Jesus would forgive my tattoos and choice of lifestyle if I asked Him to. WHAT THE CRAP?!?!?! He didn't even have the decency(or balls) to say it to my face.

At this point I lost all my courtesy and steered my cart away from the lunatic while assuring Annalise that she would never have to see that crazy man again. I said (in that Southern woman I'm-speaking-quietly-but-EVERYONE-can-me-way) "Annalise, this Jesus he was talking about? He's ok. But Jesus FREAKS like HIM...those you need to steer clear of."

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
  --  Mahatma Gandhi

See? Gandhi agrees.

What a mess.

In other new, our power went out for a couple hours today. Did I mention it was 98 degrees with a 105 heat index? Because it was.
Annalise slept for 45 mins before it got too hot and she woke up an absolute beast.
I did get this cute picture, though.
She loves her Bobo. P.S. If anyone wants to get eb an awesome gift, pop into Build-a-bear and get Bobo some clothes. We don't have one around here. And yes...those of you who met Bobo before may have noticed...Bobo has gone from female to male. He's a boy monkey wearing a glittery Hello Kitty tank top and Willy the Weasel wears a hand-knit pink scarf year around. You do the math.

My back still hurts. Mama...I need you...come care for me. Rather, care for EB and let me wallow in my agony.


  1. I agree with every word. I can't believe that crazy man judged you on your lifestyle without knowing anything about you!!! WTF?! Since when does having tattoos make you a sinful, horrible, anti-Christ of a person?? pshh... jerk. Those are the type that give Christians a bad name.

  2. See, the thing is someone like you or me would NEVER go up to someone covered in Jesus stuff and be like YOUR LIFESTYLE IS WRONG. We might think it but we'd never be rude like that.

    Also, your comment about Jesus-neighbhor made me lol and also made me remember the time you ask the Christ Ambassadors if they could should your their certification. <3

  3. I am sending the link to your blog to Grandpa! he will love it!
